7 | Drunk Amaya.


As, I smell vodka from Amaya's breath, concern and vexation took over me. "Amaya" I says, softly. "Who gave you alcohol, sweetheart?" I put into words, which was brimming with wrath and displeasure.

Her eyes met mine, which was glassy and unfocused, alcohol has God damn effect on her. "I didn't drink alcohol. I only drank water." Amaya muttered, her voice was slurred and shaky with some hiccups.

There was a moment of silence, before I ask, "Love, did you drink my water?" She tried to answer but her voice comes out stumble and slurry on her reply. 

"Sweetheart, answer me." I asked again, firmly but softly. "Yes," she uttered with a hiccup. 

Fuck, she tipples my vodka. "Why did you do that, love." I wasn't asking her that, but my voice comes out little loud which reached her ears. She parted her lips to answer but a hiccup left from her mouth. 

I was fuming on myself; I shouldn't have ordered a vodka for myself. My daze got broke by a hand grabbing my arm and it was Amaya's, her hold was loose and trembling.

My eyes scrutinize her face, all my anger vanished by one sight of her, as in this condition she still manage to look so adorable. Her lips were sticking out in a pout that made me wants to kiss her until she will become breathless. 

"Revansh," she says, with her unfocused eyes and slurry voice. "You look two─" I didn't understand what actually she was trying to verbalize but I can guess it that she has double vision for sure. 

"Sweetheart─" She didn't let me complete and climbed onto my lap, clumsily settling herself on my thighs she rested her head over my shoulder, but she gets stumble until I caught her swiftly and grabbed her hips firmly.

Her warm breath hits my ear, and a shiver ran down my spine. Her warm and soft body mounded into my arms like it's made for me to hold that makes my pulse quicken. I tried to keep my thoughts focused, but her presence is intoxicating.

She took a glance of my eyes, but my chest grabbed her focus. "You have six-pack abs." I chuckled at her startled yet shaky voice. "Don't you like it, sweetheart?" Her cheeks got little red, I didn't recognize if it was the effect of alcohol or my words.

She didn't reply to me further and nuzzles her face closer to my chest seeking warmth, as her body relaxed in my arms. I hold her closer, running my fingers gently through her hair and tried my best to ignore the growing desire. I want nothing more than to keep her safe and protected.

My girl.

My love.

My whole world clinging into my arms.

"Are you feeling cold?" I softly ask, she looks up to catch sight of me and nodded her head like a child. She is so cute.

I quickly turned the air conditioner off as, she snuggled more into my chest and I caressed her head softly before asking, "Is it okay, love?" to which she again nodded her head positivity.

After a moment of silence when I didn't feel any movement in her I looked down just to catch the glimpse of her sleeping peacefully in my arms.

The thing which I always wanted from past one years, my arms enfolded against her waist, her head resting over my chest, she nuzzles and snuggle into my chest.

I made her sit on the passenger seat adequately and also put on the seat belt so that she didn't get jerk while I drive.

I looked at her for some time before, starting the car, her black-straight hairs were descending on her face, as her glow face was turned in my direction, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Finally, I made up my mind to start the car. I was driving steadily, her thoughts, the moment occurs few minutes ago was playing inside my brain like a cassette recorder.

My daze brings to a halt by phone call, it's Kabir. I stopped the car and park at the corner of the road, there were some tresses and a beach in front of it. 

It was the sunset time, the atmosphere was in pale tint of orange, feathered friends were flapping in the stratosphere and their shadows were apparent in the marine water, it was prepossessing but not more than my beauty.

I accepted Kabir's call. "Hello" I say, "I got to know about him." He said from the other side of the call.

"Where is he?" I asked, my hand was already curled into a fist, the hold of my phone gets tight in view of the fact that I was infuriated. "Right now, he is in 'Lord of the Dinks Worli'. Are you going there?" Kabir informed, my mind moved to Amaya as, she was here in the car and there is no way that I am going to risk her life.

"No, I am not going." I replied, "Are you sure? You know it's important for you." He says as, it was the third step towards my plan.

"I am sure." I uttered, "Wait, just right now he says that after a week he will make an appearance here again as, he likes the place, that was weird isme like karne wali kon si baat thi." Kabir replied, I am sure his forehead formed into a frown.

"Next Friday, he will be there, and I will be with him." My palm was itching for his blood. "Girlfriend hai kya teri ki I will be with him bol raha hai tu?" Kabir shouted.

"Chup reh, my girlfriend and soon-to-be-wife is here with me in the car." I enunciate the words with a smugly smile. "But I don't think so that kidnapping was in your plan, aur agar tune kara bhi toh kuch jaldi nahi kiya?" He never fails to give me proof of his dumbness. 

"It was never in my plan, nor I did it." I whispery yelled. "Fine─bye." I cut the call and again sit inside the car on the driver's seat.

My eyes fell on Amaya who was sobbing steadily, panic rushed into my arteries, "Sweetheart, what happened." She didn't reply to me which makes me more panic, I cupped her soft cheeks gently before asking again, "Love, please tell me what happened?" 

"Open this." She muttered with a hiccup and point towards the seat belt. I quickly opened her seat belt and she gradually swarm up onto my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

Fuck, I took a deep breath before wrapping my arms around her waist securely so that she won't fall. Her alluring and intoxicating scent filled my lungs, her sobs filled inside the car and my heart clench with each sob which left from her mouth.

"Sweetheart, tell me please what happened to you." I caressed her hair from one hand while other was holding her tightly. "It's hot here, I wasn't able to breath." She replied in a raspy voice, and I immediately switch on the air conditioner. 

"It's okay, take a deep breath you will be fine." She did as I said without opposing, I wiped her tears away. "It's so hot, I want to open my cloth." She said and unplugged the three buttons of her shirt when I hold her hands firmly bit softly trying not to hurt her.

"You can't open your clothes like this, sweetheart." As much I want her to do this but when she is in her sense not when she is drunk. She made a pout and looked at me with her doe eyes before uttering, "But it's hot here." 

It's difficult for me to say no to her doe eyes and the cute pout on her lips. God, she is so adorable. "It will be fine after sometimes." I say, she put her head over my shoulder and closed her eyes.

My eyes shifted on the way to her cleavage which was flaunting through her opened buttons as, she wore a white bra. It was difficult for me to move my eyes from that specific place, and if I continue to stare there, I might end up sucking and squeezing her tits. 

For fuck's sake Revansh, she is drunk.

"Sweetheart, will you take a seat beside me?" I say, owing the fact that I don't want her to catch the sight of bulge forming between my thighs. She opened her eyes and gazed at me with pure, naive and unbalanced eyes. "Why?" Her voice was little bit shaky and slurry.

"I need to drive." I said softly, "Don't" She averse with a cute pout. She is so cute.

"Don't you want to go home." I cooed her, to which she nodded her head negatively. "Mujhe yaha ab achha lag raha hai." Does she mean on my lap, if that is so then I will never let her descend. I didn't say anything further and vanished in her beauty, in her thoughts, in the present in which she is with me, in my arms.

She is so adorable.

Amaya again flaked out when the temperature of the car gets nippy which was perfect according to her body. I made her to sit on the passenger seat before putting the seat belt on her.

I drove the car towards her house, which I never wanted to do right now.

I don't even know if she is going to remember what she has done today. If she remembers it would be fun to tease her.

I stopped my car in front of her house, the guards opened the front entrance, and I took the car inside before ceasing it in front of the door. I pressed the doorbell and opened the nearside door; my one hands made their way beneath Amaya's knees and other beneath her neck.

I took her in my arms and twirl around, No way.

A 6-foot 5-inch figure straight at the fore of me with enraged, furious and displeased impression. His eyes moved from my provoked ones to Amaya's closed one, as his countenance gets soft.

"What the fuck you are doing with her?" He asked in a piqued tone. "Can't you see she is sleeping so, keep your voice low." I replied in a same tone.

"Oh my god, what happened to Amaya?" Meghana aunty came from behind and uttered in a dread. "She is just sleeping." A sigh left from her mouth as, I completed.

"Revansh, can you please take her to her room." She says and shows me the direction of her room like I don't know it. "Sure."

"You don't need to, just give her to me." A husky voice ends up at my ears. "Do you really think I will?" I asked, with a cocky smile. 

"Just let him take her, Shaurya." Meghana aunty said to her son, but he just glared at me in reciprocation without uttering anything.

Shaurya Mittal, the CEO of the New York branch of 'UnityPulse'. The elder son of Anupam and Meghana Mittal, the only brother of my sweetheart and unfortunately my ex-best friend. To be honest, I wasn't expecting him in Mumbai this soon, but sad to say he is here passing minacious glares to me which didn't affect me a bit.

Ex-best friend? Yeah, a long ass story.

I passed by him and muttered which was only audible to him, "Rok ke dikha." Oops, did I just provoke him. He twirls at the breakneck speed just to pass me death-dealing glares and gets a smugly smile in response.

I stride right in the direction of Amaya's room and opened the door with my foot, a familiar sight caught by my eyes. The same grey, dusty pink, teal and electric purple colors flaunt straight to my eyes. 

Her room is just like her cute.

I gently lower her onto the bed making sure her head is resting on comfortable pillow and undo her footwear before covering her with duvet gently and securely. I switch on the air conditioner and adjust according to her body's temperature.  

I lean down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and cheeks, my lips brushed on her soft skin. I hold the position for a short while, savoring the warmth and proximity of her body.

I pressed another kiss to her cheeks, my voice whisper as I murmur against her skin "I love you." I say softly, my lips brushed against her temple.

I again lean down in a close proximity to her and murmured, "You are mine." my tone was filled with possessiveness and protectiveness. "No one else only mine, you belong with me." 

I take myself off from her room just to meet Shaurya's enraged eyes. "Wasn't I told you to stay away from her." he says, "Did you really think that I will listen to your pointless words?" I replied to him in a exasperate voice.

"Look, Revansh I am not liking this, stay the fuck away from her." He said, "And again I am telling you don't interfere in my business." I spat and strode straight out of her house; I don't want Meghana aunty to perceive her dearest son's blood on my hand right fucking now.

She is mine and I will never let anyone to take her away from me not even her fucking brother.

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