14 | The annihilator.


"Briana, I told you I don't need any of your girl." I say to the person who is on the other side of the call, "Told you, babe. She will help you." I rolled my eyes on the way she enunciates me.

"How?" I questioned, "She was collecting information about Czar from the past one year." Bullshit.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked, attempted to calm my furious voice to spit out, "Yeah, she works with him."

"By being his prostitute?" A disgust impression took over my face. "You can say that." She spoke in her typical vocals.

"I don't need anyone's help." My attempt broke and voice came being furious, "Don't get angry, my love and don't forget you are doing my work."

"I am doing work because it is beneficial for me and for the very last time, I am reminding you again to address me formally, I don't want your shitty names." I spoke, "Fine, Mr. Raichand but remember she is meeting you today and it will be beneficial for you and me too."

From the one corner of my mind, I feel the same it would be beneficial for me because being a fucking prostitute, she would always be with him in his room and in that case, it would be easy to get information about his deeds.

"What's her name?" I asked, "Rosalia Wright, please try to act good, Mr. Raichand." Sarcasm was dripping from her voice.

"Don't teach your father, Ms. Williams. I know what to do and how to do." I say and cut the call before leaning over my car's seat.

Eight minutes, it's been fucking eight minutes since, I have left Amaya in my office room and now I am missing her like fuck, but this work is so important that I have to do it even though I don't want.

I opened my cell phone, and her smiling picture flaunted over screen, a wide, round face with a pointed chin, her big dark brown eyes with dark eyelashes, her short perfect nose, her hair cascaded down her back like a honey-colored waterfall and she wore a pair of simple gold hoop earrings.

I cast my mind back to the day when I took this picture secretly when I saw her talking with some of my employees. She was always an affable, kindhearted and gracious person. She doesn't take much time to make friends, and this is one of the best qualities she has.

My daze got broke by Kabir's phone call, I was waiting for it and without wasting for a second, I answered it, "Ready?" I asked to which he just hummed.

"Has there been any problem?" I again asked, "No, I told our men's to be there before you reached."

"Make sure not to get recognizable." I spoke, "It has already been said that they will be in party clothes. Did you stick that microchip?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I am leaving now." I say and cut the call before twisting the key to start my Aston Martin. It took at least thirty-five minutes for me to reach that club, 'Lords of the drink Worli'. I parked my car in a safe place because it's going to be a long night.

The two guards were upright straight at the entrance door, "Sir, ID." I took my ID from my wallet before showing them, both of them nodded in approval and I shoved my ID back in wallet before plunging it inside my pocket.

I took my first step inside the club and the loud music banged inside my ear. I hate this. As I was about to go to the place where the rooms are or to the room where Czar is now, when a voice stopped me, a girl's voice.

"Revansh Raichand." I whirl to meet a woman with green eyes who looks in her twenties, "I never thought you would be this hot." She spoke seductively and tried to hold my hand when I took my hands back from its position.

I raised by brows before calmly enunciating, "Before I ask you something I wanted you to know I have my girl whom I love so, stay in your limits otherwise I will not think twice before slicing your fingers into pieces." That rotting smile from her face disappeared, "Now, answer me do I know you?"

"Rosalia Wright, I hope Briana told you about me." She again gave me her guff smile, "Oh, you are that." Prostitute. My lips curved into a vicious smirk.

"Where is Czar?" I questioned, "Come with me." She showed me the direction of the room.

"Did you tell him about me?" I asked, "I have made some pieces of your work easy as pie, now you will not have to give your information for drug dealing to him, you just have to meet him before shoving all the bullets of your gun in his head." She smirked before saying.

We reached in front of the room's door, "Why it feels like you also wanted him to be dead." Her eyes meet mine which was brimming with wrath as she opened the door before murmuring, "A rapist should be dead."

"Oh, my dear Rosalia, my cock was missing you." Czar says to Rosalia, a timid impression took over her face. "Master, sorry I was just little late and here he is that man I told you about." I and Czar scrutinizes each other from head to toe.

"Revansh Raichand, right?" I nodded, "Have a seat." He gestures his hand towards the chair next to him. From one corner of my eyes, I saw Rosalia footing left side of his chair.

"So, Mr.?" I asked his name even though I know, "Czar, Czar Smith. You came this far without knowing my name, interesting." He laughed.

"I am more attentive in work then name of peoples." I smirked, "Impressive, Mr. Raichand. So, tell me what you want from me?"

"From my sources, I got to know that you are a drug dealer so, of course I am here for your drugs." I spoke in a polished vocal, "Did you have ever use it before?" He questioned in a solemn tone.

"Any doubt?" I questioned him back, "No, Mr. Raichand but I don't sell my drugs like this."

"What do you want me to do?" I maintained my commercial voice, Czar smirked and uttered, "What's the hurry? Have some fun first." I lift my brows upward by his statement.

"Rosalia, give some pleasure to him." He says and I perceive an unknown look from her before she steadily came in my direction and sit on her knees between my both of the legs.

This fucking bastard.

"I don't want any kind of pleasure from anyone." My patience broke and my voice came being irritated, "Why not? I thought while you were taking pleasure, I would call my brother and get the drugs."

"Call him, I am waiting." I spoke, "Kage, where is Cyrus?" Czar asked one of his men.

"Cyrus has get a toy to play with." Saale, dono bhai ek jaise hi hai. "Is that so then tell him to bring his toy with him as I also want to play with it."

In mean time a voice reached my ear, it must be of his brother, Cyrus "Czar, I was busy." I didn't bother to look at him or his fucking toy as my eyes were busy at giving death-dealing glares to Czar.

But my breath hitched when a familiar voice lands inside my organ of hearing, "Leave me you bastard." She can't be here, she can't be fucking here, the only thing which was roaming inside my gray matter and in an instant, I twirled my head towards the voice came from.

Rage drifted inside my arteries by the scene playing in front of my bloody eyes, "Don't you fucking dare." Minacious growl left from my mouth. This motherfucker, Cyrus was attempted to hit her. Kaat ke rakh dunga tukdo mein, saale ko.

Amaya twirl around to meet my dark orbs, tears started to be gathered in her precious eyes which I hate, and my eyes get softened by the sight of her. I immediately stood up from the chair and sauntered in her direction before cupping her soft cheeks in my rough palm, "Baby, I am here, don't cry, no one will hurt you." I assured her.

"Baby? Is she your girlfriend?" The motherfucker smirked before vomiting in his dogshit vocal, "Doesn't matter, let us use her once and if you want you can join." RED, RED, RED, the only thing which I can see right in front of my eyes

"One more word and I will cut your shitty tongue into pieces right fucking now." I vocalized in an outrage voice, "Opps, I got scared." Sarcasm was overflowing from his mouth which made my jaw clenched and fist curled.

"Who's she Mr. Raichand?" Czar interrupted, "None of your concern." I took Amaya's wrist into a tight grip.

"Amaya, leave this place right now." I uttered but this fucker, Cyrus interrupted being annoyed, "She is not going anywhere before taking my cock like a good little slut." His lips curled into a smirk.

And this was enough of my patience, my hand went to my back where I had hidden a button to call my men's who was already in this club with Kabir. This is the time for action, my curled tight fist landed on Cyrus abdomen which forced him to cough blood and he falls on the floor, "Told you not a single word about her." I spoke while gritting my teeth.

"REVANSH RAICHAND, HOW DARE YOU." Czar yelled, but I didn't look at him, my eyes were still focused on the bat faced fucker who's on the floor as I know what has happened there must be four-five men's pointing their gun towards me and does it matter to me? No of course, not. This MF Cyrus dared to say about my tesoro so, how can I leave him without landing a punch on him? And this is just the beginning, there is a lot to be faced ahead of it.

I finally made my mind to check the situation. I wasn't surprised at all because I knew something like this would happen, but a smugly smile appeared on my face as I enunciate, "You don't have a fucking audacity to shoot me." My tongue rolled these words, but a terrified mumble reached my ears, "Revansh, he is p-pointing a g-gun." My sweetheart was scared, and I instantly pulled her behind me before shielding her small body over my big one.

"You don't know me, Revansh." Czar gritted, "Am I?" I replied when I heard some voice behind the door and here, I got to know that I am the winner, I won this pretty little game.

The door got opened with a jerk and my men came inside with their gun pointing directly at the head of Czar. "Surprise, Mr. Smith." I smirked. "Look how my men are desperate to shove their bullets in your hollowed brain."

My eyes fell on his one of the men who was secretly trying to take his gun out and pointing it at me. "Kabir" I shouted, and he smirked before piercing the bullet through his heart.

I feel Amaya flinched behind me that's when it hits me, she is scared, and this made her more scared. I immediately twirled around and took her in my embrace before pressing her head in my chest so that she couldn't hear any more banging sounds.

"I am sorry, sweetheart." I mumbled near her ear before pushing her outside the room. At least she can be safe there, "Revansh, fire." Kabir yelled, and then I noticed that the firing started.

"Ms. Wright, get the fuck out from here." I say to Rosalia who was froze at her place after seeing all these shits, "Ms. Wright." I yelled which finally reached her ear and she moved.

The room was messed, every single thing presents there was messed up, there were blood splatters in every corner, many of Czar's men had been shot and were lying on the ground, some dead and some injured, this is not new for me I have perceived this many times as this is my fucking work.

I saw Czar attempted to leave outside of this room when I caught his back side of the collar before striking him on the ground, "Leave me, Revansh. What I have done to you." I laughed, "You haven't done anything to me, but you raped someone." He raped Rosalia and I can say that she was not lying the emotions which were reflecting from her eyes were true and I am sure about it but still there are so many questions I have, and I will get the answer.

"Who? I have never raped anyone except─" Rosalia interrupted, "Me" Rage was flowing from her eyes.

I fisted Czar's hair before pulling it back, "I had come to kill you without any reason, but here I found a considerable reason, impressive." He yelped in pain when I tugged his hair more tightly, "Now, if I take your life with reason, it will be a painful one."

I picked up my gun from the ground and directly aimed it at his left leg, without any guilt or regret I shot, hastily Czar's hands held his bloody leg tightly because of the pain and in order to stop the bleeding.

Again, I landed a punch on his jaw, abdomen and the other parts of his filthy body until he was almost dead, "Please, leave me." He unstably cried but still I delivered by punches on him, "That's enough, Revansh." Kabir spoke and tried to hold me.

"He is a rapist." I say while beating the shit out of him, "I know but just look at him he is already looking dead just over him now." I nodded my head in approval before pointing my gun over his head.

"Before I kill him, Ms. Wright, I want to know the actual truth. You were his prostitute, don't you?" A tear slipped down her cheeks as she says, "I wanted money for my mother's operation so, I agreed with Briana's condition and when I first meet him, I told him to give me some time as I was still not ready for it and he agreed but on the same day he came and raped me I was screaming and telling him to don't do this, but he did and from that day it becomes his custom." She sobbed and hid her face behind her hands.

"Kill him, Revansh. He doesn't deserve to live." Kabir says as I pointed my gun over his head, "Be happy that I am taking your life, if it was Kian then you would have got a worse death than this."

I was going to pull the trigger when a voice came from behind, "Guns down, Revansh Raichand." And it was Cyrus holding Amaya's hair tightly in a fist.

How the fuck you forgot about him Revansh, my subconscious mind yelled at me.

He touched her, he touched what's mine. She is mine and he fucking touched her. Fury and wrath started to ooze from every cell of my body. In a trice, Cyrus puts a knife over Amaya's neck which didn't help in the situation, "I said, guns down." Cyrus shouted as he pressed that knife more into her neck.

"I dare you, Cyrus." I spoke in terror and my grips slacken from gun, but abruptly my impression changed into pleased one when my eyes fell on Kabir who was just behind Cyrus. I gave him a nod and he hit him with the back of his gun, an unknown yelp released from Cyrus mouth, as his grip loosen from the knife and from her hair.

Before stepping near Amaya, I pierce a bullet in Czar's deserted mind because if I had taken Amaya in my embrace now, I wouldn't have been able to do it.

My eyes met Amaya's, and I felt scared, for the first time in my life I felt scared when I saw she was about to fall, but I didn't let her I caught her in my arms.

"Baby, my sweetheart." I stuttered, I badly stuttered when I saw her unconscious in my arm, "Revansh, I think she fainted let's take her out from here." I nodded and took her in bridal style.

"I want Cyrus in my cellar." I growled and Kabir nodded.

I instantly took a seat inside the car with Amaya on my lap, "Let's go." Kabir drove the car straight to my penthouse, "Did you call the doctor?" I asked while caressing Amaya's cheeks gently.

"I already did." He stopped the car in front of the entrance, "A female doctor?" I again asked.

"Are you serious, it doesn't matter if the doctor is male or female." I gave him a deadly glare, "It matter and if the doctor was not female then be ready for the consequences." He rolled his eyes as I took Amaya to our room and made her lay on the bed.

"I already told them to send a female doctor as I clearly know your possessiveness and madness." He spoke standing at the door, I nodded at him, and he leaves me and my love alone in the room.

"I am sorry, baby. I shouldn't have let you see that shot." I placed a kiss over her forehead.

It's time for revenge, how that motherfucker has the audacity to hurt my Amaya. I will give him such pain that he will yearn for death all the time, but he will not die.

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