21 | Morning sex.


Little Amaya, who had insisted on having her room, was fast asleep with a soft pillow serving, as her companion. Suddenly, her serene slumber was shattered by the jarring sound of something breaking from beyond the closed door.

She awakened from her slumber, her tiny eyes blinking as she gazed around the dimly lit room, searching for the source of the mysterious sound that had stirred her from sleep. Unable to locate its origin, she contemplated returning to bed until the enigmatic noise broke the silence once more. Driven by curiosity, the young girl rose from her bed and ventured toward the door, determined to uncover the source of the sound.

As she turned the doorknob and stepped into the corridor, her eyes swept across every corner, searching for any sign of what she was looking for. Her mind raced, hoping that she would eventually find where that sound came from if she kept moving forward. She pressed on until her gaze landed on another girl, two-three years older than her, standing with two men.

Amaya couldn't shake the thought of what she should do next. Should she gather the courage to approach the other girl and inquire about her activities and the identities of the two people with her? Or perhaps retreat to the comfort of her own room.ย 

She stood lost in her thoughts, unaware that one of the men had noticed her distant gaze and was now making his way toward her. Amaya, sensing his approach, attempted to step back, but her movements were hesitant and slow, and before she could retreat, his hand closed around her wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked with a menacing glare, causing the little girl to tremble in fear. "T-to my r-room," she spoke shakily. However, the man just smirked and reached for his handkerchief, pressing it against Amaya's nose.

Amidst the chaos, Amaya found herself instinctively trying to push the imposing figure in front of her, even though she realized it was futile. As she struggled, her gaze landed on a seemingly innocuous handkerchief, triggering a vivid flashback of a similar scene from a movie she had watched. A sudden realization struck her - was he attempting to kidnap her? This terrifying thought raced through her mind as the man pressed the fabric against her nose, enveloping her in an overwhelming darkness.

Revansh was awakened from his slumber by unfamiliar noises. As he groggily tried to make sense of the situation, his mind wandered to thoughts of Kiara. Although he knew it was highly unlikely for her to have left her room, a nagging feeling in his heart urged him to go and check on her for reassurance.

He slowly turned the doorknob, allowing the door to swing open as he made his way into his parents' room. As he entered, he noticed Kiara, his younger sister, sleeping serenely. Just as he was about to leave, he caught the faint murmur of voices coming from downstairs at two o'clock in the morning. Intrigued, he couldn't resist the urge to investigate.

Revansh walked purposefully toward the source of the mysterious sounds, his eyes lighting up as he recognized the same little girl he had seen at the amusement park. However, his excitement turned to concern as he noticed that she was with a man who was gripping her wrist and pulling a fabric from his back.

Before he could take any action to help the girl, he witnessed a group of men forcefully pressing on her nose. In a matter of seconds, she fell unconscious, and the men swiftly carried her outside. Revansh hurriedly followed them in an attempt to rescue the girl. However, as he approached, he noticed another girl with her, who had also fainted and was being seen by other men.

With a swift and forceful motion, he strikes Revansh on the head using the butt of the gun making the blood ooze from his head and darkness engulf him, the second man pondered their predicament. "What should we do with him? He has witnessed us during the kidnapping," he asked the first man. "We should bring him with us. The boss will determine his fate," the man replied decisively. He quickly ushered both girls into the car and also made sure that Revansh was unconscious before joining them.


Amaya's eyes slowly fluttered open, and her hand instinctively reached for her head, which throbbed with pain like hell. Tears welled up in her eyes as she glanced around at every grimy corner of the room, taking in the disheveled surroundings.

Amaya's ears picked up a faint, haunting cry, prompting her to pivot her head around the shadowy corner of the room. With tentative steps, she advanced toward the source of the sound. As she drew closer, her eyes widened in disbelief. There, in the dim light, stood the same girl she had seen earlier in the hotel, accompanied by two menacing men.

She couldn't resist the urge and took a tentative step towards the girl. As she gently placed her hand on her shoulder, the girl started in fear, but summoning all her bravery, she raised her head to meet Amaya's gaze.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, her voice trembling with fear and terror. "I am a girl," Amaya spoke innocently, prompting the girl to laugh as she wiped her tears with the back of her hand. Amaya's lips also curled into a smile as she saw the girl laughing.

That girl's concerned eyes widened as she asked, "What's your name? Do they also kidnap you?" Amaya introduced herself as Amaya, a seven-year-old girl, and expressed her fear of being kidnapped like in the last movie she watched. Despite the girl's anxiety, a small smile formed on her lips as she quietly uttered an "oh."

"What's your name? I saw you in the hotel and they also took me here."ย 

"I am Adira. I wanted to take a look at the garden at night, so I decided to walk out of my room. As I made my way downstairs, I was surprised to find that there were no guards around. I was left wondering where they could be when suddenly two men appeared out of nowhere and seized me. They insisted that I go with them, but I refused. Before I knew it, they had taken me to this place against my will."

Amaya and Adira were anxiously plotting their escape when the heavy door creaked open, causing Amaya to startle. Two imposing figures stepped through the entrance, casting menacing shadows in the dimly lit room. These were the very individuals who had been lingering at the hotel earlier, the ones who had abducted the two girls without warning.

The two men stood isolated, accompanied by a young boyย who was bleeding from his mouth and tears streamed down his cheeks. Witnessing this distressing scene, Amaya and Adira felt a surge of fear, causing them to cautiously retreat until their backs pressed against the wall. Both of the men remained silent as they forcefully ushered the boy into the room, causing him to tumble to the floor.

When the door slammed shut once again, the two girls whipped their heads in the direction of the boy, who was wringing his hands and sobbing uncontrollably. Summoning all her bravery, Adira spoke up, "Hey, are you okay?" The boy turned to look at her, tears streaming down his face. "I am crying, and I am hurt. How can I be, okay?"

Amaya was moved by his response and felt compelled to reply, "We saw it and that's why she asked if you are okay." The boy's tear-filled eyes stared at little Amaya, and suddenly his tears ceased. "What's your name?" Adira inquired.

"I am Ciro."

Adira repeated her question, "Are you Italian?" Ciro silently nodded in response. Amaya's voice, filled with curiosity as asked the question, "Why did they kidnap us?"

"They wanted to sell us." As Ciro revealed the shocking truth, Amaya and Adira reacted with audible gasps. "Why would they want to sell us?" Amaya asked, her voice betraying her disbelief with a slight stutter.

"They are child trafficking, at the place where we are, there are not only us, but I also noticed that there are many children like us here. I caught glimpses of them in different rooms while they were taking me to this place."

"Child trafficking means selling?"ย Amaya's asked as her eyes welled up with tears. Instantly recognizing her distress, Ciro spoke in a calm and reassuring voice, "Please don't cry. I have a plan to help us escape from here. I know of a place where we can run away to."

Adira was visibly distraught, her face stained with tears, as she spoke, "Which place?" Hearing her Ciro swiftly responded, "I have been confined here for the past five days. They kept moving me to different rooms, and one night, when they brought me some food, I took the opportunity to ask to use the washroom. They led me there, and that's when I noticed an exit door. It was located directly across from the seventh room."ย 

As they were engrossed in their conversation, the sudden creak of the opening door abruptly halted their words. All eyes turned toward the entrance as a man strode into the room, his piercing gaze locking onto Amaya. She felt his intense scrutiny like a physical touch, sending an unexpected shiver down her spine.

Amaya was approached by a man who forcefully seized her arm, saying, "Boss, need to talk to you." Despite Amaya's attempts to push him away, he persisted and pulled her outside the room.

Revansh was roused from his slumber as he felt a touch on his head. He quickly opened his eyes and saw a figure sitting beside him with a first aid box. "Don't move," she spoke, her voice firm but calm. In response, Revansh inquired, "Who are you and what are you doing?"

"After you were injured, the boss instructed me to attend to your injuries," she said softly as she resumed wrapping the bandage around his head. Suddenly, a deep, husky voice interrupted, "Tell me your name and explain why my men needed to bring you here."

Revansh expressed his frustration with a roll of his eyes as he spoke, "I just wanted to save that innocent little girl whom your men might have kidnapped and brought here." The other person smirked sinisterly and then ordered his men to forcefully bring Amaya to him.

As time passed, Revansh heard a series of firm knocks on the door. In response, a commanding voice instructed the visitor to enter. Revansh's eyes blazed with fury as he witnessed Amaya being forcefully pulled into the room by a man, her tear-stained face betraying her distress.

Amaya scanned the room, her gaze coming to rest on Revansh, who sat on the floor with a bandage wrapped around his head. A single tear rolled down her cheek as their eyes locked. At that moment, Revansh's breath caught in his throat, and time seemed to stand still. He found himself unable to tear his gaze away from Amaya, and his heart skipped a beat as they connected in a wordless exchange.

"How are you, sweet girl?" The unknown man inquired, his voice carrying a mix of unidentifiable emotions. Amaya locked eyes with him and suddenly found herself banged by a flashback. "Y-you," she stammered, her eyes widening in disbelief. Her words seemed to stick in her throat as she grappled with the realization that he kidnapped her, and a sob left her mouth.

"Oh, my sweet little girl, please don't cry. You don't look good crying," he said softly, gently brushing away her tears. Revansh felt a surge of anger as the man's hand touched Amaya's cheek. "She's a beauty. You'll fetch a good price for her," the woman commented, eliciting a sharp, furious look from Revansh and a scowl from her boss.

The man, their boss, coldly raised his gun and aimed it at the woman's head without thinking twice he shot. Amaya, barely able to watch, flinched and burst into tears at the horrifying sight she was witnessing. Revansh was also in shock, but despite his fear, he remained composed and strong. His heart ached as he saw Amaya's tears, wishing he could comfort her, but he was restrained by a group of men, unable to move or offer any consolation.

The boss, his voice dripping with menace, issued a warning. "No one will dare utter a word against her, understood?" He directed his steely gaze at Amaya, whose tears flowed unabated. With a heavy exhalation, he commanded, "Escort my sweet girl and that boy to a room together, keep an eye on both of them."


As my eyes fluttered open, I found myself ensnared in the embrace of two strong, muscular arms. I didn't need to exert any effort to ascertain the identity of the man to whom these arms belonged, since according to him, only he has the right to touch me otherwise, he will "slit that person's throat who touches me except him," such bullshit.

Yeah, I do remember the things I did last night and the way he reminded me of where I belong. I didn't regret all that, but it was right or wrong I don't know about it.

As I let my gaze shift on his strikingly handsome face, a rush of emotions overwhelmed me, and I tenderly traced my fingers along his soft cheeks. In response, his grip on my waist tightened, and his eyes fluttered open, revealing a look of warmth. "Good morning, sweetheart," he whispered in a husky voice that sent a delightful shiver down my spine.

Fuck him.

Which you did last night, my subconscious mind mocked.

I attempted to shift back, but a sudden surge of pain in my internal vaginal region hit me with such intensity that a sharp, agonizing yelp escaped my throat which made Revansh visibly panic. Did I just reveal that I still feel him moving inside me? He was undeniably big as fuckโ”€ "Baby, are you experiencing severe pain?" His gorgeous face was etched with worry.

"No, it's not that severe," I mumbled, my voice barely audible, carrying a hint of nervousness. Revansh's warm fingers, gently slid inside my t-shirt, his touch traced soft, gentle circles over my lower abdomen, creating a comforting sensation that eased my pain. As his dark, mesmerizing eyes locked with mine, I could hear the faint sound of our breaths mingling. Without any warning, he pressed his lips against mine, devouring me and initiating a passionate morning kiss that left me longing for more.

As he gently pulled away from the kiss, his lips trickled softly down to my neck. The sensation was electric, as he nestled his face into the warm crook of my neck, as he spoke, "You feel like home, and I never want to go away from here." His words, barely a murmur. With a slow, deliberate movement, he found a sensitive spot on my neck, his lips exploring it with a soft suction that sparked a flurry of butterflies in my stomach.ย 

"Revanshโ”€" When his sharp teeth bite that specific spot, I let out a moan and right away he started sucking and licking to soothe my pain. His hand, which was previously tracing a circle, now reached upward inside my t-shirt to touch my exposed breast. I murmured, "I-I want you, Revansh," as his fingers began to tease my nipples.

His action stops and he faces me with a soft expression, "I want you more than you want me but right now you are in pain, and I can't make love to you." He placed a tender kiss on my forehead before crashing our mouths together in an ardent kiss, "Tum ho na, dhyaan rakh lena mera but please for now make love to me."

I couldn't believe on my own self that I have literally begged him to fuck me, Oh God!!!

"Are you sure? You are not tipsy anymore?" His eyes widened in a fake dumbstruck impression and a blush crept my cheeks making it in a deeper shade of red, "I am sure." My words weren't even complete yet when Revansh took my lips in a hungry, ferocious kiss.

I felt him lowering his pants and in a second his lower was lying on the floor, he didn't want my command or something his fingers immediately gripped the hem of my t-shirt before pulling it away from my body. Lust, desire, and passion were the only things in his eyes as he scrutinized my naked body under him.

His mouth latched to my tits, sucking it like a hungry fucking animal. My back arched when his cock's tip surrounded by precum teased my folds, "Revansh, pleaseโ”€" I spoke but he didn't stop teasing and kept on feasting on my tits while squeezing the other one, "What you want, baby." And this question fucking tested my patience.

"Didn't I tell you, I want you inside me? Now, are you going to fuck me or not?" I gritted which made a chuckle to escape from his throat, "Desperate, are we?" I was going to answer when he shoved himself in one go and kissed me insanely like he wanted to gulp my all pain. He didn't move and waited for me to calm down a bit which I did and nodded at him.

He started at a slow pace but as time passed his thrust became deeper and harder till his tip touched my womb and made me see stars, tears were streaming down my face staining my cheeks which by pleasure and only this man can give me that. A yelp withdraws my throat when he harshly slapped my tits and lessen his pace, "Now, tell me who was that piece of shit you meet in that cafe."

I was not in the condition to comprehend the fuck he was asking but my voice came as a painful squeal when his hand again slapped my tits, "I asked you something." His growl landed on my ear, and he fisted my hair before tugging me towards himself, his lips attacked my lips in an angry kiss, "Ashvin Mehrotra." I spoke shakily.

His thrust was slow but deeper and harder, 'Why did you meet him?" He asked and licked the place where he slapped to soothe my pain, "My family w-wants me to marry him." My voice was hardly detectable, but it caught his ear which made his actions stop for a second before he piled his pace and shoved himself harder making me believe that I am his.

"What was your answer?" His rageful, dark orbs in the mixture of some carnal and lust meet my desirous gaze, "I didn't answer anything, I wanted sometimes to think about it."

His fingers steadily wrapped around my throat, choking me as hard as he could, "What will your answer be?" His growl reiterated in the room making a shiver run down my spine, he shoved his cock sprightly while choking me but the moment I was going to release his pace down making me whined, "Revansh please."

"Answer me and I will let you come," He gritted in a furious voice, "Answer me, will you marry that fucking piece of shit?" He shouted and thrusted harder making me cry.

"No, I will not marry him." I felt his clutch on my throat loosen as kissed me passionately before shoving himself firmly, "I-I am coming." A cry past my lips.

"Then come with me."

His words weren't even complete when my orgasm hit and I came hard with a sharp cry, I felt Revansh releasing himself inside me near my cervix and shoved himself more, two or three times making sure he would release his seeds inside me.

"You are so beautiful and so mine."ย His strong arms cradled my fragile form, a gentle reminder that I was cherished and protected, and pressed tender kisses all over my face until my breath got stable as darkness engulfed me.


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